Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cyber Insecurities

Concerns about the federal government's lack of effort to improve cyber-security are expressed in this article in The Washington Post. It has been a year since Obama called network protection a "priority" during a White House speech. The fact is, it should be a priority because strong security is necessary to prevent cyber attacks that the article says could easily "cripple the U.S. computer networks."  Unfortunately, the article goes further to describe efforts made by both the President and congress in the last year, most of which are preliminary, and few of which have yet to actually affect security levels. Although we are more secure electronically than we were a year ago, the government's unenthusiastic attitude towards the situation thus far hardly mirrors that of a priority. The security of our nation's computer networks has always been important but it is becoming an even bigger issue with the electronically inclined future of our government.

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